• boze leather

Biodegradable Leather and Recycled Leather

A. What is biodegradable leather:

Biodegradable leather means that artificial leather and synthetic leather are discarded after being used, and are degraded and assimilated under the action of cell biochemistry and enzymes of natural microorganisms such as bacteria, molds (fungi) and algae to produce water, carbon dioxide, methane, etc. It becomes a PU or PVC artificial leather synthetic leather material with carbon cycle in nature.

B. The significance of biodegradable leather

Solve the current serious “white garbage” environmental pollution problem. At present, all countries have introduced mandatory laws to prohibit the production and sales of non-degradable polymer materials such as traditional plastics.

C. Biodegradable types

According to the final result of degradation: complete biodegradation and destructive biodegradation.

Completely biodegradable plastics are mainly made from natural polymers through microbial fermentation or synthesis of biodegradable polymers, such as thermoplastic starch plastics, aliphatic polyester (PHA), polylactic acid (PLA), starch/polyvinyl alcohol, etc. ;

Destructive biodegradable plastics mainly include starch modified (or filled) polyethylene PE, polypropylene PP, polyvinyl chloride PVC, polystyrene PS, etc.

According to the way of degradation: photodegradable materials, biodegradation, photo/biodegradation, etc.

D. International mainstream testing and certification:
USA: ASTM D6400; D5511

European Union: DIN EN13432

Japan: Japan GREENPLA biodegradable certification

Australia: AS4736

E. Prospects and development:

At present, because “white garbage” has seriously affected the living environment of human beings, most countries in the world are prohibiting the production, sales and use of non-degradable materials. Therefore, biodegradable artificial leather and synthetic leather is the necessary performance of leather in the future, and it is also the basic standard requirement for customers to purchase.


A. What is recycled leather:
Recycled leather refers to the finished artificial leather products produced by the production of artificial leather and synthetic leather, some or all of which are made of waste materials, which are recycled and reprocessed into resin or leather-based cloth.

B. Types of recycled leather products:
At present, the main production of artificial leather is artificial leather and synthetic leather produced by using recycled recycled cloth.

Huaian Kaiyue Technology Development Co., Ltd. uses recyclable regenerated base fabrics to produce synthetic leather, and the more environmentally friendly one is water-based recycled synthetic leather. Truly achieve zero VOC emissions, no pollution in the production process, and green environmental protection.

C. The meaning of recycled leather:
In order to protect the environment, energy conservation and emission reduction, recycling and reuse of resources, and promoting sustainable economic and social development. More and more famous international companies play the card of “environmental protection” and advocate the use of environmentally friendly materials, so recycled and recyclable materials have naturally become their “darlings”.

D. Testing and certification:
GRS (Global Recycle Standard) – Global Recycle Standard Certification, Boze leather have it

E. The benefits of GRS certification:
1. Global recognition, to obtain a pass for the product to enter the international stage;

2. The products are low-carbon and environmentally friendly, and can be traced;

3. Access to the procurement directory system of world famous enterprises and international brands;

4. Comply with the market requirements of “green” and “environmental protection”, and improve the technical barriers of products

5. Improve the brand awareness of the company.

Post time: Jun-16-2022